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Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement - AGCO Corporation

AGCO Limited Statement made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015

This statement is for the financial year ending 31 December 2023.


AGCO is a leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of agricultural solutions. AGCO Limited sells agricultural machinery and equipment, which has been designed and manufactured within the AGCO group, to wholesale customers in the UK. Our ultimate parent company is AGCO Corporation which has its head office in the United States of America.  


We remain committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain or in any part of our business. We strive to protect and manage our own workforce and also collaborate with our suppliers to ensure that they all support the same standards in terms of ensuring a safe, legal and healthy workforce, with zero tolerance for human slavery.

Compliance within our own business


The AGCO Group Global Code of Conduct, which has been rolled out by AGCO Limited, is aimed at our internal business and contains a section which is dedicated to fostering a safe and respectful workplace. This Code of Conduct is kept under review by the AGCO Group to ensure its content continues to meet the needs of both the business and legislative requirements.

Compliance within our supply chain


Our Supplier Code of Conduct, which mirrors the content of the Global Code of Conduct, establishes a foundation for the relationships that we create with our suppliers. The Supplier Code of Conduct also contains a section which includes prohibitions on child labour, forced labour, dignity in the workplace, compliance with laws on working hours and compliance with laws regarding minimum wages. We require strict adherence to the Supplier Code of Conduct by any company within our supply chain and any entity which seeks to do business with us. We expect all such organisations to adopt and take the measures required to achieve the same level of conduct committed to by AGCO.

We have previously created a one page document with the intention of helping suppliers develop their understanding of what modern slavery is and what it means. This document is available on the main AGCO page therefore accessible to all suppliers of AGCO.  


To ensure all those in our supply chain comply with our standards we require all potential suppliers to confirm compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct by signing a declaration.


We provide mandatory training to our workforce on the Global Code of Conduct to ensure adherence to all its principles. Employees are required to complete this training within 30 days of starting 2 employment. The Company’s Disciplinary Policy lists wilful breach of AGCO’s Code of Conduct as a matter that AGCO views as gross / serious misconduct.

Supplier Code of Conduct training is also available to our workforce so that they are vigilant when visiting suppliers as well as understanding the best approach to address concerns. 


In the event that a supplier, sub-supplier, prospective supplier or any other person suspects any violation of our Global Code of Conduct or the Supplier Code of Conduct, they can report the suspected violation on an anonymous basis. Individuals working at AGCO and AGCO vendors and customers can report their suspicions via the telephone, post or online via AGCO’s Alertline (an Alertline telephone number, postal address and webpage address is provided in the Global Code of Conduct. 


In 2022 AGCO employed EcoVadis to provide ESG assessments of AGCO’s suppliers. Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking are included in EcoVadis’s Labor and Human Rights theme area of its assessments. Between 2022 and the end of 2023 AGCO reached out to over 2,000 suppliers in an ongoing outreach program aimed at getting AGCO’s full supply chain assessed.

Further, in 2022 AGCO worked to update its Alertline to give third parties the same reporting capabilities as the individuals working at AGCO. If AGCO vendors and/or customers suspect any violation of our Global Code of Conduct, they can use AGCO’s Alertline to report their suspicions on an anonymous basis. In 2023, AGCO launched a new Global Code of Conduct to all employees. This was updated and all salaried individuals working at AGCO have been required to complete the new training via the AGCO learning platform.

Looking ahead to 2024, AGCO is planning to launch a new Supplier Code of Conduct confirming AGCO’s commitment to the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines, and the fundamental rights in the eight core conventions of the International Labor Organization and holds AGCO suppliers responsible for respecting these same rights. AGCO will continue to follow the progress of the Modern Slavery Amendment Bill. 


Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement - AGCO Corporation